Manga Drawing in 1 Day Program Starts in February 2018!
Manga Lessons at Nihon Mangajuku.

@Nihon Mangajuku
Bring your original story. Draw your one and only one-page Manga!
Learn how to draw Manga at Mangajuku!
Mangajuku is vocational school to nurture professional Manga artists.
Teachers you learn are experts to nurture professional Manga artists, and some are active Manga Artists, have duty on manga series.
You will know what makes Japanese Manga special, and learn basic of Manga Drawing.
You bring your own story, and make 1page of Manga. Managajuku frames your work and take it back home!
Meet at Managajuku.
Start with lecture, then practical Manga Drawing class.
No need to bring Manga Drawing tools, will be provided. The program is for 8hrs., with breaks including lunch time.
You learn what makes Japanese Manga special and how to draw. Drawing Manga based on your original story. It’s just 8hrs, you don’t have enough time to determine your story, make one in advance and bring it to Mangajuku.
At the end of class, you complete one-page manga.
What to Expect
Lecture of History, what makes Manga special, and Important Point in Drawing.
–Lunch Time—
Determine Your Drawing Skill
*Duration of the following lessons are subject to change. It’s up to your skill.
Komawari – panel layout
Shitagaki – Rough Draft with pencil
Pen-ire – Inking
Beta – Spot Filling
For Advance Person only – Screentone-
Complete 1page Manga based your own story!
Your original Manga is framed and take it back home!
Important Information
Every Monday except Holidays in Japan.
Duration: 8 hours
Start Time: 11am
Terminate: 6:30pm
Fee: USD500.00
Meeting point: Mangajuku, For access please click here.
This program is subject to video/photos shooting. will release the video/photos on its website or SNS. Once you complete booking, means you agreed shoot the video/photos for commercial use.
In case you delay, please let us know. The program starts as scheduled anyway.
Manga Elementary Kit
-Manga Manuscript Paper
English Interpreter
Food and Drink
Cancellation Policy
Details to be announced
1 day and 1 page Manga is not enough for you?
Don’t worry. More Manga Drawing Programs are coming!
Don’t miss it!