The information based on the Specified Commercial Transactions Act is a summary of business information for consumers in an easy-to-understand manner based on Japanese law.

Company : Entertainment Marketing, Inc.

Company Website :

Service :

Service Website :

Address : 9-1-7-314 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 1070052, Japan

Representative : Rika Katsuguchi

Telephone : +81.3.6721.0095
Inquiries via internet :

Business : Travel service provision operations

Registration No. in Tokyo : 20105

Required fee other than product price : There is no required fee other than the product price.

Payment method : PayPal, Credit Card

Prices : Prices vary by product and are listed on the website.
Cancellation Policy : Cancellation policies vary by product and are listed on the website.

Term and Use : Terms of Use

Privacy Policy : Privacy Policy

Notations are based on the Specified Commercial Transaction Act :

Notations are based on the Specified Commercial Transaction Act