MANGA Drawing


Instantly able to learn how to draw MANGA!

You have a choice. Click the link to read details.
Manga Drawing Basic Program in Akihabara in 2hrs.
Manga Drawing 1-day in Akihabara (7hrs.)

MANGA Complete

©Nihon Mangajuku


Japanese MANGA is totally different in drawing from comics. Yes, MANGA is digitally drawn just like ANIME, but in this program, you use
traditional MANGA drawing tools. Using calligraphy pen to express yourself, makes your drawing one and only in the world!
The program is developed by,
collaborating with Nihon Mangajuku, nuturing Professional MANGA Artists.
Never use calligraphy pen? Not to worry!
Professional MANGA Artist is your instructor, he/she teaches you how.
Lecture is in Japanese though, an interpreter is aside, help you to understand in English. collaborates with Nihon Mangajuku, developed the program.
Mangajuku - Manga Drawing 1 Day@Nihon Mangajuku

About Nihon Mangajuku

Nihon Mangajuku nutures professional MANGA artists, such as
Tomo Takeuchi ‘Sweep over the Dance Hall’
Hikaru Araki ‘Bokutachi ga yarimashita’
Tetsuya Kanda ‘CRAWS EXPLODE’
You need two years to complete ‘Professional MANGA Artist’ course though, just 2 hours to learn very basic how to draw Japanese Style MANGA!

Availability : Manga Drawing Basic Program in Akihabara (2hrs)

You can check availability in calendar below, before you book you should read details of this program.
Click Manga Drawing Basic Program in Akihabara for more detail.

Availability : Manga Drawing 1-Day Program in Akihabara (7hrs,)

You can check availability in calendar below, before you book you should read details of this program.
Click Manga Drawing 1-day in Akihabara (7hrs.) for more detail.


Book only children under 12 yrs old
*Children under 12yrs should be accompanied by parents or guardians
Eating food in the program.
Drinking alcohol and smoking.
Any behavior disturbing other participants, instructor, interpreter, Nihon Mangajuku, or Entertainment Marketing, Inc. (operates is banned. We have a right to order you to leave program immidiately, in case your bad behavior is gone too far. We do not refund anything.